Is your brand hungry for attention?
We know it is. Every brand is; no matter from which industry they belong, what type of business they run, or what kind of customers they’re trying to attract, all brands require attention to thrive. After all, the only thing worse than negative publicity is no publicity at all!
The two integral elements that can help you to receive coveted brand attention successfully are: Brand awareness and brand recognition; they might sound like the same things, but they are two different components of a branding strategy.
We understand if you’re confused at the moment, but we assure you by the end of this article the difference between brand awareness and brand recognition will all become clear.
Brand Awareness vs. Brand Recognition
What is brand awareness?
Brand awareness is the lifeblood of any digital strategy. It is the keystone on which all future marketing campaigns are built, and it also determines the way a brand announces its voice, values, and personality to the world. Moreover, it majorly concerns a brand’s market position and the ability of their customers to recognize and appreciate what makes a company different than other market players.
Brand awareness is more refined than brand recognition; meaning that customers would not just be able to remember a brands logo and name, but they will also be able to:
- identify what their product is
- what makes them special
- why they are the best solution to their problem
Brand awareness is essentially the element responsible for brand loyalty and affinity.
What is brand recognition?
Brand recognition is an indispensable element of brand awareness. It pairs up with brand recall to transform a brand into a notable household name. Brand recognition encompasses all elements that come together to define a brand, such as its logo, title, and even the tone of voice. Simply put, it indicates how customers or your target audience can ‘recognize’ your brand.
Why is it important to establish brand recognition?
When used correctly, an effective brand recognition strategy can help the name of your brand or firm to become synonymous with whatever it offers. For example, most of the time, you would not ask someone to pass you their lip balm, you ask for their ‘Chapstick’.
Brand recognition ensures that your brand stays on top in the eyes and minds of your target audience by making sure they have a steady idea of what makes your brand special.
Brand recognition also makes a brand more familiar to customers, and with the right strategies, provides an opportunity to establish customer loyalty.
Some effective brand recognition strategies are:
- Website optimization
- Launch a PR campaign
- Target social influencers
- Focus on content
- Try guest blogging
Brand Recognition and Brand Awareness Go Hand-in-Hand
It is easy to see how brand recognition and awareness can go together well. After all, it will be an impossible challenge to make a customer loyal to your brand is can’t even recognize your name or logo.
Though it is worth bearing in mind that these are two different elements, but that does not mean that you should not combine your endeavors to make your overall branding efforts more effective. Brands that learn how to use both brand awareness and recognition simultaneously have the most fruitful campaigns.
Pennsylvania Marketing Agency
The difference between brand awareness and brand recognition does not change the fact that you can deliver more efficient and lucrative marketing campaigns by using both at the same time. While brand recognition certifies that your brand receives the attention it craves, brand awareness will allow your customers to keep coming back for more.
For more brand-building strategies, head to the blog section on our website!
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